Monday, August 15, 2011

a knowledge that is within reach

"Who is Paris?" , "What is the Odyssey all about?" , "What about the Greek literature?"

These are just some of the questions that bothers our minds when Ms.Noveras told us about the lessons we are going to take up in the first quarter. Some find it exciting, some are bored and some do not have reactions.

Greek Literature,refers to writings composed in areas of Greek influence.Studying Greek Literature gave us unclear beliefs, distracted minds and vague ideas. 

"Life is a choice."

Many of us believe in this saying, but upon discovering the Greek literature, our beliefs become blurred. The Greeks believed that their life's fate is ordained by their gods and goddesses. One example for that is the dilemma of Zeus in hector's fate.

The Iliad and The Odyssey, these Homer's  great epics brought us knowledge on how they treat their women. how they protect their homeland and how important their family is.

The Iliad shows about love, power and sacrifice.

The Odyssey exhibits suffering, faithfulness and true love.

Greek women are just care givers, child-bearers, infant's nurturer and men's pleasure giver. They cannot interfere with their husband's decision. They cannot involve their selves in a war. They are like prisoners in their own home. For them, women are JUST women.

Bringing victories,fame and credits for their lands is a big deal. Kings and men like to engage in wars and battles. Each land has their greatest, strongest and mightiest warrior. Each of them wanted fame and glory.