Friday, July 15, 2011

A legendary warrior

Achilles is known as a great and ruthless warrior of the Trojan war. Achilles always shows himself as an unbeatable warrior every time he faces war. He is also the greatest warrior of troy. When Achilles fight he kill his opponent merciless and brutally, just like what he did to Hector, the very noblest of all heroes. Achilles only knew how to be able to gain glory and victory, and how to stay the greatest.

One proof that Achilles is a brutal warrior is when he cut Hector's tendons and tied an ox-hide  in it, tied in his chariot and was drag around the city.

The Iliad book 22 pg.231 paragraph 520

"Achilles finished. Then the noble Hector's corpse he carried out a monstrous act. He cut through the tendons behind both feet, from heel to ankle, threaded them with ox-hide thongs, and then tied those onto his chariot, leaving the head to drag behind. He climbed up in his chariot, brought on the splendid amour, dragging Hector. A dust cloud rise above him, his dark hair spread out around him, and Hector's head, once so handsome, was covered by the dust, for Zeus had given him to his enemies to dishonor in his own native land. So all his head get dirty"

Based on these statements I conclude that Achilles is a true ruthless warrior and do not fear anything even death.

1 comment:

  1. Good observation and presentation of ideas but the citation has to be edited.
