Saturday, February 12, 2011

discrimination : a stepping stone

discrimination about white and black
Discrimination is the cognitive and sensory capacity or ability to see fine distinctions and perceive differences between objects, subjects, concepts and patterns, or possess exceptional development of the senses.

Example of discrimination was the gap between the white Americans and the black Americans. 

Being  discriminated is such an awful thing, Pointing out all the things about you. I haven't been discriminated yet, Thus I am the one who discriminates. I know doing that awful thing hurts their feelings, but sometimes i enjoyed it. Though i did discriminating, i think it is my way of expressing my thoughts, showing my love and appreciating someone's  presence. As I grew up, I noticed people who are being discriminated. I feel compassion for those people. 

Dealing with discrimination is tough, but people who are being discriminated should use that experience as their stepping stones to move forward, have progress and build an improved you. 

One can learn a lot from a discrimination. Discrimination should not be a hinder in fulfilling one's dream thus a method of obtaining something to fulfill your dreams and reach your goal. 

As the quote says " If you believe that discrimination exists, it will."  Stop dealing with what others say about  you. Just believe in what you can , what you have and YOURSELF! 

1 comment:

  1. avoid shifting in point of view, and cite your sources. good piece though.
