Friday, February 25, 2011

There's still a space for GRAMMAR improvement

   Everyday in school, We were taught about GRAMMAR. Its rules,properties, tenses and a lot more. Learning and Applying this is not as easy as we thought. Not all of us were good in writing, grammatical errors were observed, wrong usage of adjectives and modifiers, inappropriate tenses, and others. Upon reading and realizing those errors, I realized that using unfamiliar words doesn't make a sentence look good thus those words make a sentence wrong. 

Grammar have a great  impact in writing, using wrong grammar and having errors in writing can make a reader perplexed and confused. Writing is the most powerful tool invented by humankind because it is a tool of the mind. Writing a reference or an article can help people about information, data and facts, correct grammar usage will surely help people who read the reference of article. 

There are many ways to improve proficiency in grammar, but the best would be reading a lot of books. Books can help a person a lot in improving, learning and realizing errors in a writing.  As the quote says 

"To read is to fly: it is to soar to a point of vantage which gives a view over wide terrains of history, human variety, ideas, shared experience and the fruits of many inquiries."

There is still a space for GRAMMAR improvement!!!