Sunday, February 20, 2011

Presenting for God's glory

Taytay United Methodist Christian School just celebrated it's 26th year founding anniversary, Each and everyone of the us especially the students are excited for the said one week activity. The celebration contains the Joint Worship, Lightning of the torch, Parade, Sports fest, Mr and Ms. Intrams and the exciting Field Demo. Each year level was assigned to different presentations including Ballroom dance, Modern Dance, and Cheering. 3- LEAH was the one who was asked to hand over Cheering. Every participants of each year level was busy practicing their dance steps and yell including us.

We held our practice everyday at the end of the class, that made us go home late. Some of us were scolded by our parents and guardians, Some skipped dinner just for the practice. Sometimes, We want to give up because of the challenging steps. But we realized that we are doing this not because of the victory and prizes but for God's Glory, so we continued what we are doing. Days passed and the celebration is coming soon.. yet we still haven't finished our dance prod. We strive hard to finish the prod that  lead to a almost whole week practice.

The day has come, Field Demo is here. Everyone was excited and scared of the results of their exhausting practices. Cheering was the one to present first. We are so nervous. Until we are the one to present. Everyone did their best for God's Glory. The dance prod was not just successful but great because of the applauses, shouts and cheer given to us. Everybody presented well.

Awarding of winners has come, we are all nervous, suddenly a teacher announced that the winner of the cheering were the Juniors! All of us jump as high as we can, shout as loud as a thunder, and we're happy like a lotto jackpot winner. All of our sweat released were worth it, all the pains and the sufferings were worth the glory given to God.  

We should really give our best in all the things we do for it will glorify our God. JUNIORS THE BEST! THE BEST! THE BEST!

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